Category Archives: NLP Programming

Minimum Viable Architecture in Practice: Creating a Home Insurance Chatbot

Handling nuance and understanding utterances let conversational AI solutions respond directly to inquiries. It combines the best of human and artificial intelligence for a satisfying — and frictionless — exchange. It also saves agents the burden of needing to remember, or manually search, an entire knowledge base for answers. In conclusion, conversational AI can enhance the insurance customer’s journey by providing seamless customer engagement, improving customer service, increasing customer self-service, and accelerating claims processing. Chatbots and voice assistants can analyze customer data to provide personalized recommendations and solutions, reducing the workload on customer service representatives and improving customer satisfaction rates.[...]

Google Duplex: Technical limitations, ethical implications, and market ramifications

The Taiwan Excellence Award Winners on new technologies Content CloudEngage Inc., 518 W Riverside Ave., Spokane WA, 99203 Infermedica adds Specialist Recommender to its AI platform A guide to the best AI chatbot What Was the First Chatbot? AI Engine automatically processes your content into conversational knowledge, it reads everything and understands it on a human level. Natural Language Processing is a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to break down and process human language. Using the Messenger bot, users can buy shoes from Spring, order a ride from Uber, and have conversations with The New York Times on[...]